Thursday, October 25, 2012

Kitsch, Spreading the Love

Photo from Kitsch,  Handmade in Virginia
Recently I happened on Kitsch's super cute fall photo shoot with Satya Yoga. And, I just happened to notice that they featured one of my crocheted mandala stones. Had to share! Go here to visit Kitsch's web site and read about the shoot. Go here to visit Satya Yoga.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Beautiful Fall Day

It is such a beautiful fall day today, thought I would give you a little glimpse of what I saw at lunch time. :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Blank Sketchbook Ideas

I've been experimenting today with some different ideas I have for blank journal / sketchbooks using my mandalas for the covers. For my Blue Igloo journals, I've been hand-sewing the binding in a pamphlet stitch, but it takes quite a bit of time to just do one journal. So, today I've been exploring ways to speed up the process so that making journals on a continuing basis is a bit more viable.

I'm going to play with some other ways to display the mandala on the cover. While I really like these, the perfectionist part of me wants to try some different options "just to make sure." 

I do like the size, though. They're smaller than the ones I've been making for Blue Igloo. The two shown above are 3"x4 1/2", making them easy to slip in your pocket or your purse. I also used the 65 lb. drawing paper for the interior pages, so they are just as great for sketching as for keeping notes, making lists, or jotting down ideas.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's My Etsy Birthday!

I opened my Kelly Dietrich Etsy store 5 years ago today! To celebrate, receive 15% off your purchase by using this code at checkout: BDAY2012. Hop on over there and see what's new in my shop.

Monday, October 15, 2012

New Etsy Team

I created a new Etsy Team today to help folks who are currently taking or have previously taken Kelly Rae Roberts' course, Flying Lessons, find each other on Etsy. It's very exciting to see people joining, and I hope that everyone will be enthusiastic about helping each others' Etsy shops become super successful through promoting each other and staying connected. To all you fellow fliers, you can join here:
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