Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First Video Podcast of 2008: Quickening


Yesterday I published my first podcast of the new year entitled Quickening. Last year I created all 8-radiation mandala animations. This year I believe I will focus on 10-radiation mandalas, with Quickening being the first.

I must say that I am somewhat disappointed with Quicktime these days. Last year when I began creating the podcast, Quicktime compressed and converted the Flash file wonderfully — preserving the color of the original file very well. Since then, I've downloaded the lastest two updates, and now, for whatever reason, the resulting files are not nearly as colorful and vibrant. Because of this issue, I switched to iSquint a couple months ago to convert the files. Although they are coming out a bit more vibrant than Quicktime, they are not true to the original file either. If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know.

Finally, I wish you all a Happy New Year and many thanks for your support and encouragement.
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